Flourishing Grace is hosting the 2018 global IF:GATHERING conference. This is a special event just for women along the Wastach Front and you do not want to miss out!
At IF:Gathering 2018, we will look at one of Paul’s letters to Timothy as he reminded him of the power and responsibility of sharing the gospel. We want to give God away in the very places He’s put us, so we’re going to gather for the purpose of remembering why following God and making disciples matters. We all get tired, we all wonder if what we’re doing matters, so IF:Gathering 2018 will be the reminder--it will be the celebration. The work we’re doing to share the gospel on the earth is worth it and God DOES move through the little things that nobody sees. Join us.
The conference will consist of two days full of teaching, community, growth, and FUN! We will be live-streaming awesome women speakers from Austin, TX while enjoying music from local worship leaders. The cost is $15. Dessert and coffee will be provided Friday evening, as well as breakfast and coffee on Saturday. For lunch on Saturday, we will be breaking into smaller groups and heading out to local restaurants together.