Parent Center
Our desire at Flourishing Grace Church is that parents would be the primary disciple-maker of their students. This means that MIDWEEK, Huddles, and everything else that we do are amazing places of growth for your students but they are not the primary place of discipleship to Jesus, the home is. We want to surround them with people who follow Jesus and make disciples but to be honest with you… if you are not making an effort to disciple them every day then everything we do is an uphill battle. Being a disciple and making disciples is a choice, it’s intentional and your children have been given to you by God to disciple so, this is why we want to help equip you to disciple your student every day. Discipleship to Jesus is difficult, so don’t walk alone and let us help you disciple your student(s). Below you will see a diagram of how FG Students interact with both students and parents. Our hope is that students and parents participate in all of these areas.
- Josh Gardner | Minister to Students
FG Students Parent Podcast
We just started a podcast tailored for you! Join us every other week as we dive into how to disciple students as a parent! We seek to lead parents to help them follow Jesus as well as disciple their students at home. Being a parent is hard so we will discuss hard topics, give helpful resources and equip parents to disciple their students. This podcast is very specific to Flourishing Grace Students, a ministry of Flourishing Grace Church in Bountiful Utah but we hope to help equip any parents wanting to disciple their students in the way of Jesus. Our Podcast is available both on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
Table Talk Questions
Below there are both “General” Questions you can always ask your student to get them talking about what they have learned at MIDWEEK in the Bible.
You can take one of these points a day or do a few of them at a time. The whole point is to get you to engage your student in a conversation about what God says about the world around us and how the gospel affects how we see the world around us. You can ask them to reread the main passage as a family to help jar their memory and get them to remember that we should center everything around scripture and what it says. Make sure you spend time pointing your student to scripture as well as praying for them and with them.
General Questions to Ask
What did you learn about God?
What did you learn about sin?
What did you learn about Jesus?
What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon?
Did the Holy Spirit convict you of anything? If so, what did you do?
What ways can we pray for you as your pursue God in that way?
Helpful videos for parenting in the digital age
Talk from Tony Reinke, author of “12 ways your phone is changing you”.
Begins at minute 24:00.
Q&A Begins at 127:00
How to Restrict Phone access for your teen
Helpful books
Raising Passionate Jesus Followers
Every parent should read this book. This book is one of the most helpful books when you don’t have any idea what it looks like to disciple your kid(s). This book is not only helpful from a 30,000-foot view, it gets down to the nitty-gritty of what it looks like to disciple your kids as well as helps you create a plan to do so.
God Technology and the Christian Life
Many Christians remain perplexed about modern technology. New iPhones and social media platforms, self-driving cars, and genetic engineering all prove that human innovation is not slowing down for anyone. But as technologies multiply and life in this age becomes more complex, the questions become more stark: What does God think of human technology? Is he threatened by all its power? Is he trying to dismantle Silicon Valley?