Momming is hard,
friends make it easier.
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is now The MomCo! If you’re looking for a local MOPS group, you’re in the right place.
The MomCo (short for Mom Community) is an international organization that exists to rally women, in their own neighborhoods, to help them become more brave, kind and honest, one gathering at a time. Our MomCo group includes moms of kinds, including moms-to-be as well as moms of infants, preschoolers and elementary aged kids. So whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first time mom, adoptive mom, young mom, seasoned mom, stepmom or any other type of mom, you are welcome to join.
Do you ever feel like your pilot light has gone out? Like the spark that once fueled your passion, clarity, and energy has been dimmed under the mental load of motherhood? Perhaps it’s the need to make 1 million decisions a day (so many decisions!) that causes you to never really feel confident you’re doing it right. Maybe you are in a season where you feel you are not showing up well for yourself or others; just going through the motions, trying to get to the end of the week.
That is about to change because we’re declaring this the year of new things. A new season needs a new strategy, and we choose wild, contagious hope. Hope is not a passive exercise in wishing; it’s an active approach to living life engaged. Hope is generative. In Proverbs 13:12 we read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Hope provides clarity, vision and vitality.
God is doing something new, and we can get our hopes up. It’s time for Wild Hope.
MomCO kicks off on Tuesday, September 10th! MomCo gathers every other Tuesday during the school year from 9:30-11:15 am at Flourishing Grace. The cost is $55 per semester and includes childcare & a MomCo membership. All moms of kids 12 and under are welcome! Don’t let financial concerns hold you back - scholarships are available. God wants you here, and so do we!
New moms are welcome to join at any time. So if you’re new to town or you have just now learned about MomCo, we’d love to see you at our next MomCo meeting! If you’re interested in registering, click below, or if you have questions, contact our MomCo Coordinator Lacy Desmond at
Childcare is available for kids ages 6 months to 6 years for each of our MomCo gatherings. Non-mobile babies are welcome to attend the meeting with Mom. All childcare workers and volunteers are background checked and approved according to Flourishing Grace’s policies for working with minors. If you know of someone who can help with childcare, please contact our MomCo Coordinator Lacy Desmond at