Lead Pastor Search

In December 2024, a search team was formed to support the mission of identifying our next lead pastor. This dedicated team is gathering valuable input from the Partners of Flourishing Grace and will collaborate closely with the Lead Shepherds in prayerful consideration of the church’s future, carefully vetting and interviewing potential candidates as they emerge. The members of our search team are:

Erik Albertine
Chelsey Benson
Sydney Darné
Kellen Desmond
Janis Evanoff
Randy Noyes
Kristyn Packer
Matt Powell
Laura Wallace

This timeline provides an overview of where we have been in this process and the direction we anticipate moving toward throughout 2025.

We will continue to update this page as the search progresses. If you have questions about the process, feel free to send an email to info@flourishinggrace.org.

With Love and Care from the Lead Shepherds,
Chris Barber, Pete Sween, and Jason Stulp