2022 Year in review

a look back on what god has done this year @ Flourishing Grace


thank you for investing in god’s kingdom by giving financially to flourishing grace church in 2022.

As I reflect on God’s generosity I am reminded that there is nothing we have that He has not given to us. This past year was an incredible season of delighting in the generosity of the Lord. There are so many things that He has provided for Flourishing Grace over the past year, but it is not lost on me that a major provision of the Lord is a generous people, within our church community, who have financially carried our community into greater depths of flourishing.


Pastor Josh Knight

over 365 guests attended a sunday gathering for the first time…

…including 128 kids. 34 students attended a Flourishing Grace Students event for the first time.


96 kids attended 2022’s Bible Adventure Camp…

…including 36 kids who had never attended Flourishing Grace on a Sunday morning.


40 Students and 11 leaders attended at least one student ministry retreat or camp.


9 people publicly proclaimed the surrender of their life to jesus through baptism.


177 kids (and their families) were given christmas gifts through the Backman Elementary Christmas Market.


Just shy of $30,000 was raised through the Easter renewal fund…

…$20,000 went to support King’s Cross Church in Farmington, and $10,000 went to fund ministry initiatives through Aasha India.


30 people from FGC committed to be a part of planting King’s Cross Church in Farmington.


Thank you…

…for your generosity in 2022. We can’t wait to see what God does through Flourishing Grace in south Davis County and beyond in 2023.